A roadmap to building a system to measure key metrics and ratios that drive sustainability and profitability
Let’s be brutally honest
The two-year post covid boom was as welcome as it was unexpected
Many recruiters and recruitment companies did very well—individuals billed at record levels. Even newbies to the industry thrived. Meanwhile, company profits soared.
Everyone started to feel that they were pretty good at this recruitment lark!
It’s unfair to say that all that success was built on a flimsy ‘house of cards’, but it is true that recruiting skills got shallow, BD was relegated to the bottom drawer and relationship building was neglected. So, too, at a corporate level, expense control lapsed, performance management fell by the wayside, and mediocrity in many areas was covered over by temporarily bloated profits.
Critical healthy operating ratios were neglected, because “Business is booming - just look at the P and L.”
It is a familiar and sad story of history repeating itself. The inevitable market decline has exposed average recruiters who thought they were great, and unsustainable recruitment companies who thought the profit machine would churn on forever
It never does
Join Greg Savage at Rec Expo, who has seen all this before. The founder of three recruitment businesses that grew to over $100 M in sales each, and a veteran of multiple downturns and recoveries, Greg is now on the Board of 12 recruitment companies, so he sees what is working and what is not
This session is built firmly on the philosophy that you ‘cannot manage what you do not measure’, and it is delivered in two parts. Business ratios and metrics, and then a short powerful segment on KPIs and managing recruiter productivity.
The 14 sacred metrics and ratios you must act on to run your business
Greg shares his own management measures and borrows the Staffing Industry Metrics data to show you what key numbers you must measure, watch and act on.
Most recruitment owners manage retrospectively. Tracking these numbers is like having dashboard that warns you of the mountain ahead long before you can actually see it, and certainly before you hit it! Greg will explain what each ratio means and why it’s important
Running a recruitment company, or any small business, without a large leadership team to bounce ideas with is both difficult and sometimes isolating. Ann Swain will provide an outline on how you can be ON your business, IN your business and part of the wider recruitment community to drive success.