Dr John Mervyn Smith (more commonly known as Dr. GC these days), has over 30 years’ experience of coaching senior leaders and their teams. John’s work in both clinical and occupational psychology underpins his understanding of the ways in which people make an impact at work. His extensive research in this field has led to the development of The GC Index®.
John has achieved lots of things in his distinguished career from profiling high level politicians through to being chased by a typhoon, but he rates the emergence of The GC Index “Mother Lode” as the most exciting moment in his career.
Dr GC is the soul of The GC Index and is the guardian of all the scientific underpinnings and technical developments behind The GC Index Products. He led the research behind, The DNA of a Game Changer , The DNA of a Game-Changing Team and the book ‘Coaching Me, Coaching You’ that focuses on the premise that organisations are neglecting the very talent, which has the potential to transform the future. His work shows it’s only a game-changing team that can achieve step change innovation and transformation that has longevity.
John is a Strategist/Polisher who wants to be valued for his open-mindedness and insight. He is very proud of making a contribution to global thinking around leadership and talent and how The GC Index is making a difference.
Outside of work the things most important for John are to always be there for his family, his charity work and walking at least one pilgrimage every year!